SlowBurn -

Less Exercise. Superior Results.

Just 30 Minutes a Week.

The Most Potent and Safest Exercise Method on Earth.

FACT: Weight lifting (a.k.a strength training) is the single most effective form of exercise.

It provides more health benefits than any other form of exercise including Pilates. SlowBurn is a method of strength training using very slow, low-force, controlled movements. Like Tai Chi, it is the antithesis of the typical high-force, explosive and dangerous strength training seen in most gyms.

What are the benefits of SlowBurn strength training?

  • Increased muscular strength

  • Improved cardiovascular health

  • Increased bone density

  • Raised H.D.L. or "good" cholesterol

  • Improved blood pressure

  • Enhanced joint flexibility

  • Increased aerobic endurance

  • Reduced or elimination of Low back / neck pain

  • Arthritis pain relief

  • Boosted energy and strength during pregnancy

  • Controlled blood sugar

  • Increased lean tissue (muscle and bone)

  • Accelerated metabolic rate

  • Decreased intra-abdominal fat

  • Halts and reverses adolescent obesity

  • Improved mood and cognitive function

  • De-ages you at the genetic level

Safety first!

Using SlowBurn, there are no sudden, forceful movements or exercises that could potentially cause you injury.

Not only is SlowBurn safer, but research reveals it produces greater benefits than traditional methods.

The SlowBurn Personal Training Method improves your muscular strength, your joint flexibility, bone density, endurance, aerobic power, and metabolic rate. All in just 30 minutes a week. That’s right. Just 30 minutes a week.

All of our instructors teach the SlowBurn method exclusively.

Scientifically Proven Results

Scientifically Proven Results •

Why Choose SlowBurn Personal Training?

Safety, Time Efficiency, and Results with no sweating! No need to shower. The studio is cool and the air filtered.

You've heard it all before. You've been told by your doctor and every media outlet that you need to exercise for at least 60 minutes most days of the week. But what if it were possible to achieve the desired results in as little as 30 minutes a week of exercise, never getting injured or hurt?

Enter SlowBurn!

The SlowBurn method of weight training changes the playing field. SlowBurn allows for maximum benefits in minimum time. This is achievable due to the deep level of physical stimulation that SlowBurn exercise provides. You'll become stronger, more flexible, and improve cardio endurance/health all in just one or two, 30-minute workouts a week.

We have been using the SlowBurn technique exclusively for 26 years at our current location and have conducted thousands of successful personal training sessions with people just like you!

Woman exercising on a shoulder press machine in a gym.