Guaranteed Results!
Body Composition Testing
No Guess Work!
Along with keeping accurate records of your strength gains, at SlowBurn personal training studios, we take it a big step further for our beloved clients.
Using the InBody 380 and 570 devices, we’ll show you exactly how much muscle you're gaining and how much fat you’re losing, week after week. We set real, achievable goals for you and we’ll reach them together. Make no mistake - at SlowBurn personal training studios, you’ll get the results you wanted and dreamed about. Leanness. Strength. Endurance. Confidence and strength to tackle the world!
The InBody 570 and the InBody 380 body composition devices are 95% as accurate as a DEXA scan, the gold standard for body composition testing. Every week or so you are tested to make sure you are on the right track. And it’s all included in your program.
You will be shocked and amazed at the results you'll achieve in just 30 minutes a week using our SlowBurn program!