SlowBurn in the Press!

SlowBurn Personal Training Is Nationally and Internationally Recognized.

As Seen In

Exercises to stay fit through the holidays

New York Living

New York celebrity fitness trainer Fredrick Hahn joins New York Living to share a workout that will keep you on track throughout the fall and winter holidays.

Fitness Tips With Fredrick Hahn

NJ Morning Show

Labor Day is coming up and for those who want to get the best out of their workout routines for their beach bodies, celebrity personal trainer and founder of the the SlowBurn Personal Training Studio in Montclair, Fredrick Hahn joined us to give us all the best fitness tips.

In this interview, Fredrick Hahn discusses his SlowBurn system and his book Strong Kids, Healthy Kids.

NJ Morning Show

Could your workout routine be doing more harm than good? We spoke with Fred Hahn of SlowBurn Personal Training about how taking it slow can have big results.

“I highly recommend Fred Hahn's SlowBurn system of exercise. His method is a potent means for developing yourself both physically and spiritually in a safe and time efficient manner.”

Tony Robbins
Entrepreneur, Author,
and Peak Performance Strategist

Headshot of entrepreneur and author, Tony Robbins

Strong Kids, Healthy Kids

The Today Show

Fredrick Hahn joins The Today Show in 2009 to talk strength training for kids.

Revolutionizing Health and Fitness with Frederick Hahn

Boundless Body Radio

Fredrick Hahn has been getting a LOT of things right in the fitness world for several decades now! Even Tony Robbins recommends Fred's system of working out! He has appeared on several major networks and programs all over the country. We were honored to host him and are so grateful for his work!

The Slow Burn with Fred Hahn

The Fitness Confidential Podcast with Vinnie Tortorich

Episode 2136 - On this Friday's show, Vinnie Tortorich and fellow pro-trainer Fred Hahn chat about life experience as a trainer, the benefits of weight training, "the slow burn", health for kids, and more.

SlowBurn Maintains Your Fitness Goals

Great Day Washington

SlowBurn Personal Training Studios owner Fredrick Hahn visits WUSA CBS Great Day Washington to discuss maintaining your fitness goals through SlowBurn resistance training and the right diet.

Fredrick Hahn Discusses SlowBurn and Intermittent Fasting

CBS New York

Fred visits CBS New York to discuss Fast to Feast - how fasting and SlowBurn strength training can help you feast without gaining fat!

CBS 2 New York Weekend

CBS New York

Fred visits CBS New York to discuss SlowBurn Training

Workout Whip

CBS New York

Intensify your weight training with SlowBurn

Published Books

The SlowBurn Fitness Revolution hardcover and ebook versions (2002), Strong Kids Healthy Kids (2008), and Il Metodo Slow Burn (Italian language edition of the original book 2012) are all available for purchase on and other book retailers.

"Il Metodo Slow Burn" book cover with silhouettes stretching, authored by Fredrick Hahn, Michael Eades, and Mary Eades.
Book titled "The Slow Burn Fitness Revolution" by Fredrick Hahn, Michael R. Eades, M.D., and Mary Dan Eades, M.D. The cover features an image of people exercising.
Book cover featuring the title 'Strong Kids Healthy Kids' with an image of a man and two children. Subtitle mentions a program for increasing children's fitness by Fredrick Hahn.