A Note from Merry Olde England

At a cafe in Barcelona
Well it’s been a very nice vacation thus far and it’s sadly coming to a close. Yet, it feels like it’s time to get back to Serious Strength and continue helping people become the best they can be. As for me, I haven’t had a workout in 18 days and my body cries out for it.
We did do a lot of walking and bike riding and I am happy to report that my bionic knee held up fine. My left knee, however, was quite unhappy. So round two of my partial knee replacement is unfortunately inevitable.
I’m limited today in the time I have to blog but I wanted to say that I’ll soon be blogging on my food experiences and my mistake in drinking beer again. As good as the ales are here in the U.K., my body does not like them. Not one little bit. What can I say – I caved and had a bunch of pints. May I say that while they were all delish, they were not at all worth the bloody nose pustules that erupted all over my shnozola. Pix? Are you kidding??
Here’s what my body did like:

Duck leg confit. Cooked in its own fat for hours. I skipped the 'taters.

Almost raw beef bone marrow. This was heaven. Didn't touch the bread.
After 6 days in Great Britain I can’t say much good about the food. Even eating in fine places the fare was just ho-hum. We did find a few good gastro-pubs however and these were gems. More on these later.
Also as promised I’ll post some pics with my good friend and world famous actor Alec McCowen. It was a joy to see him again. I wish we would have had a videographer with us as his stories about Katherine Hepburn, Sean Connery, Dame Judith Dench, Kenneth Brannah, and others just kept coming and coming. I thought I had heard them all when I toured with him as his stage manager for his incredible one man show St. Mark’s Gospel. I haven’t got the pics off my camera yet or I’d post them now.
“Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow….”